If you are looking to save costs on electricity, become greener and less reliant on the national grid then solar battery storage is a great way to achieve these goals.
Can I add solar batteries to existing panels?
You can absolutely add solar batteries to an existing panel setup. Doing so is a fantastic idea as it means that the electricity generated can be stored and used later. Most people tend to work during the day when the most electricity is generated by the panels. With no way to store the energy, it is often wasted.
There are various different sizes and capacities of solar batteries available and the best ones for you will be specific to your system and needs.
This is one of the discussions that our installers will have with you on their initial assessment visit.
How many batteries can I have?
This will depend on your budget, your existing solar panel system output and the space that is available for installation. There is little point in installing excessive numbers of batteries if the panels will never charge them all to full capacity.
As your local ELECTRICIAN IN WARWICKSHIRE and the areas solar experts, we can best advise you of the recommended storage capacity for your system.
Where can solar batteries be installed?
Solar batteries can be installed almost anywhere so long as they are suitably protected and we can carry out the installation in accordance with electrical regulations. As battery technology has improved, they are able to store more energy with less physical space. They have also become lighter with the technological improvements.
We can install batteries in lofts, under the stairs, garages, and other sheltered areas so long as they are adequately protected from environmental influences and accidental damage.
How long do Solar Batteries last?
Solar batteries used to last between 4 and 8 years for the older, lead acid style batteries. With the arrival of Lithium-Ion Technology, these batteries now last between 10 and 15 years which is a vast improvement over the older style batteries.
Combined with their reduced size, increased efficiency, and longer lifespan there has never been a better time to have a solar battery storage system installed.
Various factors can affect lifespan such as:
- How extensively the battery is used
- The number of charging cycles
- The location it is installed in
Extensive use
Where batteries are deeply discharged before recharging, this can affect the lifespan of the battery and its eventual ability to hold a full charge. Homes where there are high electrical demands or large loads will discharge batteries more deeply than those homes with lighter electrical use.
Each battery has a specific depth of discharge that can occur before damage is suffered by the battery. Modern batteries contain technology that prevents a complete discharge of the battery which helps to protect it and lengthen its life.
Number of Charging Cycles
Every battery has a certain number of charging cycles that can occur before the battery is spent. A charging cycle where the battery is fully discharged and then recharged. The higher the number of charging cycles that the battery is rated for, the longer its potential life compared with a lower rated battery.
Installation location
Where batteries are installed in harsh environments, they are likely to suffer earlier failure than they would in a perfectly suited environment. When environmental temperatures occur outside the batteries recommended operating range, the lifespan of the battery can suffer as a result.
As your local ELECTRICIAN IN WARWICKSHIRE, we are the ‘go to’ experts for solar and battery installations. If you would like more information on battery storage systems or would like to discuss a quote then please get in touch.